Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How does this opportunity work?

This program is designed to make money via the internet quickly and honestly. It is quite new, yet already proven to be most effective. It is truly exciting, with many people now using it, and with so many more still to see it. 

This program is very powerful - a real money generator on the web! No other program comes close when you need money quickly and honestly. You are guaranteed financial success with this opportunity because of the method used to confirm the honesty of each participant.

When most of us first look at this program, we may think it's just another get rich quick scheme. But it isn't. By reading the details, you will see that it is quite different. And only about a week after starting, money will start rolling in quickly!

If you don’t trust me, then it won’t affect me! Tomorrow, I will still be making an avalanche of N2000 sitting in my room and you might be reading another e-book or sales letter to get rich quickly!

Who knows, this method may become a turning point in your life?

Think out of the box, get out of the crowd, be different and let the world know about you!

This is a FAIL-SAFE money making program where all cash receipts are verifiable in advance, because every participant is held accountable, every participant gets paid well, every participant is sure that nobody can cheat. That is why I choose to participate. I invite you to do likewise. Being fail-safe and cheat-proof, what have we got to lose?

The power of the internet is here to be used. More and more people are using this program to create a substantial income quickly. Expect to earn up to N1,000,000 in the next 6 months or less.

We all know that internet money programs can really work, but most of us have major concerns about them because:

1. They are too complex, often requiring large investments.

2. They require real internet marketing experience.

3. There is usually no way of monitoring returns.

4. There is no way of eliminating cheats.

5. Pay pal doesn’t work in Nigeria, etc.

Too many programs before this have no fail-safe mechanism for protecting the honest participants from those who put their names on a list without sending any money. That is what causes such programs to ultimately fail.

Once you finish reading, check my honesty that I have paid my N2, 000. The very first step is to call the two people in the position #1 and #2 from the current accountability list below, and ask them if they have received their N1000 each from me. This is what makes the success of this program CERTAIN. You may choose to not send money to me until you KNOW that I have paid the people in position 1 and 2.

POSITION #1 –Neksummi Matthais
ACC NO: 3016935979
PHONE: 08063306838
EMAIL: ngsloans@gmail.com

POSITION #2 –Rukaiyatu Yusuf
ACC NO: 3050803207
PHONE: 08164960601
EMAIL: rukzybarbie@gmail.com

The above are the two people I sent my N2, 000 to. After paying them, I sent them an e-mail to add me to their mailing list.

After you have verified that I'm genuine and decide to participate, go to the bank of the person in position #3 (me), pay N2,000 bill, text details of payment to me, such as name, receipt number, date of payment, branch of payment, your email address and phone number, then include a note that reads: "Please add my name to your mailing list and rush phase 2 to me" .

POSITION #3- Ogunyemi Olayinka
ACC NO: 0126131159
PHONE: 08060311408
EMAIL: olayinka.smartideas@gmail.com

Next, go to the Bank of the person in position #4, pay N1, 000 bill, and send details of payment to his email address, such as: Name, receipt number, date of payment, branch of payment, your email address and phone number, then include a note in the e-mail that reads: "Please add my name to your mailing list".

POSITION #4 –Matthias N.I.M Beauty
ACC NO: 3049903237
PHONE: 08060088415
EMAIL: semenbakenni@gmail.com

Remember, you only send payments to the names in position #3 AND #4 on this letter.


So what are we actually selling here? This system is one that integrates information marketing with Multi-Level Marketing. We're selling our clients a system that allows them to sell an internet training programme by the name of Phase II which employs network marketing. In addition to having the right to resale Phase II, this system allows you to leverage on the efforts of other people when your name gets to position #4.

Once you start, there are two simple things you must do to make this work for maximum return in 6 months.

BE PATIENT at the start! It takes easily a week or so to really get up and going, and to start receiving lots of money in your bank account. BUT THEY WILL COME! This is the internet! YOU WILL DEFINITELY MAKE A LARGE SUM OF MONEY WITHIN A FEW WEEKS JUST LIKE ME and you will also have a mailing list service to use to further enrich yourself.

THIS PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO MAKE MONEY FAST! It is very inexpensive to participate in, just compare it to the value of lottery tickets- where making money is next to impossible.


This program is less demanding and does not take advantage of the novice online marketer. Effectively, we all become a team - we know that we must follow the rules and that if our team works we all win.

This program has been set up so that you will succeed. If you do exactly as described, then you will succeed in this business. To compare this with the many uncontrolled programs:

First of all, this program has only four controlled levels -not five, six, seven or more uncontrolled levels like other programs.

When you first send this program out, you will soon get 20 –25 people who will send you N1,000 to join your mailing list and to commence their Phase II. They will do this only after they confirm that you have paid your N2, 000 to the people at positions #1 and #2 accordingly.

To account for curiosity seekers, and people who don't recognize the opportunity (not you of course!), let's say that only 10 people on every level actually pursue the program provided. On these 10 people's site we put your name in the accountability list position #1, and their respondents will be asking you if they paid their N2, 000 Naira. On the site of their active participants, your name is going to be at position #4, WHERE YOU WILL BE RECIEVING N1,000 Notes from 10 x 10 x 10 people. That's a total of 1,000 people. 1000 x N1, 000 = N1, 000,000. (One Million Naira)!

You may think that it will be difficult to attain this; the strategies outlined in Phase II will make it easier for you to EASILY GET 20 -50 people in less than one week, WITHOUT YOU MEETING OR TALKING TO THESE PEOPLE. At the same time, you will only spend about 2 hours of work setting it up, after that people will come to you to get registered and pay you, not you going them. No other program come this close in EASILY MAKING YOU A MILLION NAIRA IN 6 months or less!

Once set up, it runs on Auto-Pilot pouring in Avalanches of N1000s into your Bank account daily. All you do is spend ONLY 30 minutes daily doing some simple tasks and replying people online that you have been paid several N1,000s. Because this is done on the internet, it moves very quickly.

Therefore, you only need 10 ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS who actually promote this program to reach your target. The information in Phase 2 gives you Sure-Fire Strategies to get 20 - 50 people in a week's time.

Think of what will happen if 20 of these people become active to the 3rd level, it can give you an easy N8,000,000 in 6 months, but to be conservative, our target is N1,000,000 in 6 months!

Remember that you may send this program to people who send you similar programs. Many such people are keen and active users of opportunities sent to them, and this one is safe, fast and simple. It will not appeal to cheats, yet it will be great for anyone looking for a VERY low cost fun investment.

Your small investment of three N1, 000 Bills will reward you with N1, 000,000 or more! Once again please email me if you have any questions. None of us will go back for a new beginning.

Once you have decided that you are going to make N1, 000,000 in the next 6 months, and have paid your N3, 000; you will be ready to start preparing for Phase II.

Do you see how easy it is for you to make your first N1, 000,000 in 6 months? If you don't think it is easy, or don't completely understand it, then read over until you do.

If you still want some help, then don't hesitate to send me an e-mail or call me.

Submit Your Application Now!

As soon as you have made payment to the appropriate persons, positions #3 and #4, you'll be ready to sign up for this service.

Once approved (which will only take 24 hours), you'll receive your new blog, and access to my personal step-by-step training and support to help you start making money from home!

Remember, today I'm offering my service to setup this entire money-making system for you for a fraction of the cost as long as you provide the necessary raw ingredients including your evidence of payment to positions #3 and #4. Why wait any longer? You can start making money online today!
I DARE Any Competitor to Match My “TRIPPLE” Guarantee
I am so sure of your success with this programme that I guarantee it 3 times in 3 different ways.
Guarantee #1: If for any reason you are not satisfied with the content of Phase II and the gift of the bonuses that come with it, even if it’s the grammar you don’t like, just send me a personal email anytime in the next 30 days for full, prompt refund. Fair enough? There’s more…
Guarantee #2: Simply implement just ONE of the strategies I’ll teach and if you don’t profit at least TEN TIMES your initial investment in this programme your first 60 days, I will personally work with you one-on-one until we reach this goal together. If for any reason I fail (and I won’t) I will gladly reach into my pocket and pay you N6000, DOUBLE your investment.
Guarantee #3: Implement ALL the strategies I’ll teach and if you don’t at least TRIPPLE the current size of your online business and work less than you ever have before, first I will gladly give you N10,000 cash out of my pocket for wasting your precious time and to top it off I’ll donate N20,000 to charity in your name.
To qualify for these guarantees 2 and 3, you must document your implementation of all the FREE marketing actions that I outline for you in phase 2.
I am that sure this will work for you when you put in the required effort and you’ll not need to ask for a refund.
So what are you waiting for? Go pay N2000 into the account of the person at position 3 (Me) and N1000 to the person at position 4 and then come submit your details.
The Most Beautiful of ALL is that you will now be financially capable to implement your BIG DREAMS & IDEAS… and by all means, touch lives positively.
Many Blessings.
Wishing you all the best on the Web! See you at the top.
To your online success
Ogunyemi Olayinka
P.S. Remember... we're doing everything for you to get started and actually have success online... You can finally forget about all the other crap you've been fed online and get yourself a proven website that actually works!
P.P.S. I Admit This May Not Be For You. Life is a series of choices. I realize that not everyone will completely understand the power of this system. Like my daddy used to say, “The World Needs Ditch Diggers Too Son” Truth is, only a small percent of people (about 2%) ever have the salt to become financially independent. The others are content to move around like sheep and work for the people on top. God bless them because they have made me a lot of money over the years. Now you have to choose which side you’re going to be on. Will you create your own future, be in charge of your destiny and rise to the top or will you pick up a shovel for the next 40 years? It’s 100% up to you.

                          BIG, OBVIOUS DISCLAIMER

Do not join now, if you're looking for some 'magical secret key' to getting rich without working at all. ALL of the rich folks I know (all of them) either now or in the past worked their asses off for sometimes an extended period of time, encountering brutal, bloody failures for a time before 'getting it'. * Sort of like how any professional goes to school before they can actually make money, you'll have to learn some stuff too. If you aren't willing to learn now, don't join immediately. People who join right now, thinking this is a lottery, are going to be sadly disappointed to learn that to get rich today, or ever, there's very little sitting on the couch, and watching re-runs of the Simpsons involved. While some people earn extraordinary amounts of money, some people make absolutely no money at all.

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